Our Story
Our local food story began with the creation of the Jonesborough Farmers Market. Local farmer Heather Halsey was looking for a ‘true’ farmers market, one where the farmer - not a reseller - sells directly to the consumer, giving customers the opportunity to know their farmer, ask questions, and really understand where and how their food was produced. When Heather started selling produce to Jonesborough neighbors Curtis Buchanan and Karen Childress, they began thinking that Jonesborough would be a good place for this kind of market. Six months later, the Town of Jonesborough had granted permission to use the library parking lot as the market space, a handful of vendors had signed up, and the Jonesborough Farmers Market opened for its first season in May of 2008. The market was entirely volunteer-run for the first 5 years.
The market grew, adding vendors, customers, weekly music, and kids’ activities. In 2010, it moved to the Courthouse Square. With a strong set of volunteers helping at the market each week, acceptance of SNAP and credit/debit cards was introduced. Another innovation was a popular online ordering system for the winter months that demonstrated growing demand for year-round local food store. And the most important element was - and is - he sense of community. One customer fondly named the farmers market ‘Jonesborough’s Front Porch’.
In 2013, market organizers began thinking about expansion to a year-round retail store and commercial kitchen, with eyes on the vacant Exxon Gas Station at the corner of Boone and Main Streets. As the vision for the market grew, Jonesborough Locally Grown was incorporated to become a 501(c)3 non-profit organization to carry out the work of this broader mission.
The vision of Boone Street Market was a year-round retail outlet for local food products that would be a convenient place for farmers to sell and a convenient place for customers to buy local food. It would help small-scale farmers market their products. The idea was pitched to Town leaders, and a creative partnership paved the way for Boone Street Market to become a reality. The Town, as owners of the building, granted a lease, provided critical construction resources, and helped raise state and federal funds to make the building useable. Equally important were local contributions raised by Jonesborough Locally Grown from the Washington County Commission, many businesses and our strong community of supporters. Renovation took place over the summer of 2014, and Boone Street Market opened for Business on October 29, 2014.
Boone Street Market stocks over 900 food items from 100+ vendors, all produced within 100 miles of Jonesborough (priority and >95% of vendors), Tennessee, and the Central Appalachian region. Products may be sold wholesale or direct-to-consumer, with the goal of returning as much revenue to the vendor as possible. Boone Street Market commercial kitchen and chef produces Grab and Go meals featuring seasonal produce, meat, and value-added products from market vendors.
In the first quarter of 2019, we expanded Boone Street Market to add 450 square feet, increasing our total floor space by 30%. The expansion was funded by a TDA grant, which supplemented funds from private donations. The additional footage increases product display space with the goal to increase sales for local farmers and food businesses.
Jonesborough Farmers Market operated as an online market in 2020 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The online market was popular with both vendors and customers as a safe way to buy and sell local farm and food products. The online market was popular enough to run in the winter and concurrently with the 2021 in-person farmers market. While the online market waned in popularity towards the end of the season and ended in October 2021, staff were busy getting Boone Street Market ready for online ordering.
Boone Street Market and Jonesborough Farmers Market had their best year yet in 2022, all thanks to our wonderful community and vendor support. Vendor participation, customer interactions, and revenue are up in spite of the setbacks brought by the pandemic. The Winter Market is solidifying as a viable off-season farmers market and is a great addition to Town holiday events.
Fundraisers are needed to help meet operating expenses. The most popular fundraisers are the seasonal 100 Mile Dinners and our signature Farm to Table Dinner (pictured; photo credit Woven Creative Studios) - events that are always sold out. A membership program gives customers another opportunity to support the markets and receive special benefits, like 5% off each purchase at Boone Street Market, a monthly member perk, and advance notice and ticket purchase opportunity for special events.
Today, Jonesborough Locally Grown celebrates more than a decade of connecting our community to local food and farmers through Jonesborough Farmers Market and Boone Street Market. We are thrilled to not only sell local food, but to celebrate it through special dinners - all in an effort to strengthen our local food economy here in Jonesborough and East Tennessee.