Hoodley Creek Farm
Afton, Tennessee
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Hoodley Creek Farm was established in 1850, sits on about 200 acres, and is a Tennessee Century Farm. The 6th and 7th generations of the family farm today, along with part-time workers when needed. In 2013, they transitioned from cattle to Katahdin sheep.
HCF is licensed by TDA for retail meat sales. Their sheep are primarily pasture-fed and supplemented with grain as needed. They also produce their own hay fertilized with three-year old composted manure and hay as fertilizer. Free-range guinea hens help with insect control. In addition to sheep, HCF also raises garlic, and their truffle tree orchard is slated to come online winter 2021 - all grown to Certified Naturally Grown standard, but not certified.
In the coming years, they hope to run water lines to the far reaches of the farm - with the help of NRCS grants - with the goal of adding more sheep.
“I grew up during the summers on this farm, so I’ve always wanted to run the farm and have sheep on it. We pride ourselves in maintaining a high quality of animal welfare. In my opinion, products from local producers are fresher and sometimes healthier than what you can find in the grocery store. americanlamb.com has thousands of recipes using lamb, and we like to keep trying new ones.” - KK Proffitt, owner/operator
If customers would like to order directly from Hoodley Creek, direct message them on Facebook or Instagram, or call them at 615.478.9335.
Check out this feature by the Farmers Market Coalition.