Dashing Duckling Farm
Jonesborough, Tennessee
Chicken and Duck Eggs
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Dashing Duckling Farm is a no-kill, free-range poultry farm sitting on 12+ acres. They specialize in duck eggs, but also have an assortment of chicken eggs. Dashing Duckling embraces traditional agricultural values while striving to establish a production that is human, sustainable, and self-reliant. Located on a historic property dating back to 1842, the each duck, chicken, and goose has 500+ square feet to forage (cracked corn and a layer pellet are supplemented as needed). No artificial techniques or pharmaceuticals are used to increase productivity, and pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are never applied on the poultry’s forage land. Duck breeds include Silver Appleyard, Pekin, Muscovy, Mallard, and the smaller Call. Chicken breeds include Black Australorp, Sapphire Gem, and Barred Rock.