Curtis Muscadines
Jonesborough, Tennessee
Muscadine Grapes, Tomatoes, Onion, Strawberries, Blackberries, Goji Berries, PawPaws + more
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Curtis Muscadines, in its current form, began around 2014. About 3 of the 50 acres that comprise the property are in cultivation; the rest belongs to the home, livestock pasture, and woods. The cultivated area includes a large plot for tomatoes; a couple of pawpaw trees; several hundred feet of muscadine grapes; rows of garlic and onions; strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries used for both fruit and plant propagation; and more! If you can think it, there’s a high chance that Curtis Muscadines grows it.
The owner has been growing various agricultural products for about 40 years. As a boy, he was extremely interested in growing fruits and vegetables naturally without insecticides and herbicides. The selection of items and growing area has been expanding steadily, and the owner hopes to retire in the next few years to farm full-time.
Check out our vendor feature blog post highlighting berries and Curtis Muscadines.